The Need For Quality Seasonal Employees From Overseas For The Hotel Industry In USA

- The Need ForQuality Seasonal Employees FromOverseasForTheHotelIndustryInUSABy Dr. Dario Vasquez, DBAPresident ofDRV Institute of ManagementAre you unable to find quality employees to fill youropenpositions at your hotel?Then, you should change your employment strategy and startworking inconjunction with an employee expert to get great workers. The hospitality industryhas taken over agriculture regarding annual gross receipts and job creation.Thereis an employee shortage in the United States, and it does not seem to be goingaway anytime soon.As a business owner, the number one goal you should have isto grow. You should keep your business going whether you are onsite or on theroad by getting the professional consulting services your business needs to succeedwith quality hospitality employees! I can help you achieve your employment goalsby providing employees so you can go back to providing adequate customerservice to your guests.It is a good idea to look for alternatives and ways to fill the currentemployment gaps in the United States.Hoteliers and managers can findsolutions to employment problems to provide quality customer service.Why? Because a hotel that does not have the number of employees itneeds is unlikely to satisfy its guests.Any hotel owner or manager knowsor should know that things like branding and reputation can keep one up atnight worrying about too may guest complaints. So, hire employees andyou will succeed!Recently, Ivisitedthe Dominican Republic (a small islandthat in a typical year receives more than 6 million visitors) and spoke withseveral hotel employees. Many of them are very skilled in housekeeping,cooking, maintenance/engineering, banquets, and front desk.In Mexico, people have similar skills and are eager to work; I know thisfirsthand becauseI have worked with and trained some of them. Bottomline,your organizationcanget productiveemployees, to satisfy youremployment needs. In the Philippines, many employees are willing to fulfillhotelpositions. Most of them studied hospitality management, and they canbe the right fit. I can get you ideal employees in Jamaica and Haiti for yourkitchen and housekeeping departments.It is better to work togetherto getquality employees from overseas.Why?I will train/provide practicalorientation to all employees before they enter your hospitality organization.You will get bilingual Employees!Ioffer personalized training/services andcan create a customized package to meet your specific business needs!