These 37 Business Articles Are Must-Reads for Any Entrepreneur

1. “50 Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur”

Do you have a feeling you might be an entrepreneur at heart? In “50 Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur,” published on, John Rampton could point out the one—or many—things that makes you the perfect small business owner deep down inside.

Entrepreneurs and business owners have a certain kind of spirit and drive that keeps pushing them forward. Use this business article to find out if you possess the qualities of an entrepreneur yourself.

2. “The iEconomy”

If you’re a small business owner on the forefront of the tech industry, then the New York Times’ “The iEconomy” is one of the best compilations of business articles to read.

The articles in this Pulitzer Prize-winning series look closely at the constantly changing high-tech industry. As an entrepreneur in a tech-facing business, you might find that the iEconomy series has a unique outlook on how challenging it can be to keep up in the tech industry.

3. “‘Don’t Take It Personally’ Is Terrible Work Advice”

In this Harvard Business Review article, Duncan Coombe explains why small business owners and employees should take work personally.

This Harvard Business Review piece is one of the best business articles for entrepreneurs looking for advice on how to engage their employees, build a successful business, and take pride in their work.

business articles

4. “Why You Hate Work”

In the New York Times’ “Why You Hate Work,” Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath look into what the modern employee needs to be fulfilled while in the workplace.

If you’re wondering how you can make your employees happier at work, this is one of the best business articles to read. Schwartz and Porath dive deep into what motivates people—and what pushes them away.

Or if you’re one of those 9-to-5 employees who hates your job, this might be one of the best business articles to inspire you to take your career into your own hands.

5. “Think You’re Too Old to Be an Entrepreneur? Think Again”

Despite what you might have learned from “Silicon Valley” or “The Social Network,” not every entrepreneur is a 20-something male wearing a hoodie.

If you’re looking for business articles that will reassure you that you’re not too young to start your own business, then you’ve found one in this infographic. Entrepreneurs are of all ages and come from all walks of life, and Anna Vital’s infographic will convince you of that.

6. “Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change”

“Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change,” by legendary economics scholar Clayton Christensen and business consultant Michael Overdorf, is one of the best business articles for entrepreneurs who need help getting a handle on change in their business.

Growing pains are an inevitable part of any successful small business. This article helps business owners identify when their companies desperately need a change or how to handle change when it’s thrown their way.

The Harvard Business Review has a handful of small business articles that have withstood the test of time, but “Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change” is one of the best business articles to keep coming back to as you manage more and more employees.

7. “What Makes a Leader?”

Another one of the best business articles in the Harvard Business Review is “What Makes a Leader?” by Daniel Goleman.

Starting and growing your own business is one thing. Managing and leading your employees once you’ve gotten a few years of business experience under your belt can be a whole different skill set. If you need some advice on how to be a more effective leader of your small business, this is a great read.

8. “The Top 5 Reasons Why ‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Wrong”

You’ve heard it before—or maybe you’ve said it yourself: “The customer is always right.”

In his Huffington Post article, Alexander Kjerulf explains why “the customer is always right” shouldn’t be your motto as a small business owner. If you deal with customers in your day-to-day operations, this business article deserves your attention. You’ll not only realize why you might be treating your customers wrong, but you also might find that you’re making your employees worse-off along the way.

9. “Reclaim Your Creative Confidence”

While most of the Harvard Business Review’s business articles are tailored to the management side of things, “Reclaim Your Creative Confidence” is all about empowering the creative side in everyone.

Creativity is an important trait in a business leader—a recent IBM survey of chief executives around the world shows that it’s the most sought-after trait in a leader. But as a business owner trying to run a successful company, you might put your creative, “big picture” ideas on the back burner while you work through the operations of your business.

But it’s creativity and innovation that drive businesses and industries forward. So if you feel like you need to re-spark your creative spirit as an entrepreneur, “Reclaim your Creative Confidence” is one of the best business articles to read through.

10. “Richard Branson to Young Entrepreneurs: ‘Just Do It’”

In Oscar Raymundo’s Inc. article, famous entrepreneur Richard Branson explains why young wannabe entrepreneurs need to get over the inherent risk factor of starting a business.

You can sit on a great business idea for years, weighing the pros and cons of starting it. But according to Branson, a point in time comes when you have to just do it. If you fail, you fail—and hopefully, you learned something valuable for your next business venture along the way.

“His message was very clear: It takes guts but you have to just do it. Feel the fear, but do it anyway,” says Darko Jacimovic, who says Branson’s article gave him the confidence to start his business.— “Over the course of the years, I have realized that this advice helped me stop overthinking and pushed me to start working. Now that I reflect on my experience, I realize how such simple advice is incredibly important for young entrepreneurs.”

If you’re an entrepreneur who’s been poised to launch a small business for quite some time now, this is one of the best business articles to help you make the plunge.

11. “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?”

“Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?” will make you look closely into your skills as a business leader.

This Harvard Business Review article gives four traits of the best kinds of business owners—and they’re qualities that you’ve probably never thought of before. So if you’re looking for business articles that not only help you take a step back and look at how you are as a leader but also give you tangible steps to become a better one, this piece is for you.

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